Who We Are


Real Estate

Photo by: San Diego
Archaeological Center

A full-service licensed California real estate brokerage, Land Conservation Brokerage, Inc (LCB) acts as the broker for the buyer or seller of resource-rich properties; i.e., those containing sensitive habitat such as wetlands, endangered species, or cultural resources such as Native American artifacts. Because of their resource values, these properties are of interest to public and non-profit agencies, as well as private conservation or mitigation buyers, for use as public parkland or for habitat and/or cultural resource preservation.

LCB helps buyers and sellers identify conservation opportunities to help achieve their personal, financial and conservation goals. LCB will work closely with all parties through the steps of a conservation deal: from identifying the properties; securing an appraisal; finding a buyer or seller; completing due diligence; to securing funding sources--all the way to closing.


Because conservation often requires more than just a real estate transaction, LCB also offers additional services, such as grant writing, to help buyers or sellers meet their goals. LCB President Ann Van Leer has crafted numerous successful grant proposals, many over a million dollars, to public and private funding sources for acquisition, stewardship, restoration and preservation of natural and cultural resources.

Project Management

LCB can act as project manager to help initiate, direct and implement complex conservation projects which require coordinated planning, acquisition, restoration and fund-raising. For example, LCB is currently managing, on behalf of its non-profit client San Diego Earthworks, a Coastal Conservancy and San Diego County-funded watershed assessment that includes integration of a variety of issues, among which are: biology; cultural resources; water quality; recreation; and public safety, including fire prevention and crime reduction.

Ann Van Leer
CalBRE 01848314

858-442-0937 mobile

Ann Van Leer is the founder and president of Land Conservation Brokerage, Inc (LCB).  Van Leer has over thirty years of conservation experience at the federal, state and local levels.

After establishing LCB in 2003, Van Leer immediately began assisting clients in initiating, managing and completing both large and small land conservation projects.

Van Leer’s experience includes serving as the San Diego County Project Director for The Nature Conservancy, where she initiated and managed multi-million dollar conservation land transactions. In addition, she has over two decades of experience in public policy, including conservation policy, at the federal, state and local levels.

Van Leer is a real estate broker licensed in the State of California and a member of the California Association of Realtors and the San Diego Association of Realtors.

Van Leer has a master's degree in public administration and public policy from the London School of Economics and a bachelor's degree in environmental studies from the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Send mail to jim@landconserve.com with questions or comments about this web site.